(An International Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal of Business, Commerce and Management)
ISSN : 2455-9423 (Online) Frequency: Biannual.
Publication Impact Factor (PIF) = 4.325

Article: 1


By: Dr. Rajesh G Konnur


The conflict between management and the employee is inherent in an industrial, educational & health sector of society. One argues for more investment and profits while the other argues for better standard of living. These two conflicting interests can be adjusted temporarily through the principle of “give and take’’ phenomena. The idea of collective bargaining emerged as a result of industrial conflict & growth of trade union movement & was first given currency in the United States by Samuel Crompers. In India the first collective bargaining agreement was conducted in 1920 at the instance of Mahatma Gandhi to regulate labor agreement relation between a group of employers and their workers in the textile industry in Ahmadabad. Gujarat.

Key Words: Collective Bargaining, educational and health sector.

Article: 2


By: Dr. Shaifali Rachna Puri


Survey of related literature means a careful perusal of researches already done and write ups published or lectures delivered on issues directly or indirectly connected with the problem being proposed for investigation. It means having a soaking into the waters of knowledge, which has relevance to the study in hand

Every research begins from where the previous researchers have left it and goes forward, may be one inch or even less towards the solution of the problem or answer of a question. Therefore for every researcher it is essential to acquaint himself with what has already been thought, expressed and done about the problem under investigation. This is possible only if he/she reviews and surveys books, journals, newspapers, records, documents. Thesis, indexes, abstracts, dissertations and other sources of information directly or indirectly concerned with problem of investigation.

Key Words: Literature review, research, publication.

Article: 3


By: Mr. Anamitra Roy & Dr. Ishwer Singh

Due to globalization the lives of professionals have become extremely complicated. So maintenance of professional continuity has also been hazardous in this era. To solve this problem, a lot of researches are being pursued on this area. Hence, there was a need to produce a review of literatures available on this topic or related topics. The result was this effort. There is a philosophy involved with the production of this review. This summary is expected to help the researchers and save their time. Then they will be able to concentrate harder on their research. This will help professionals to maintain their professional continuity. Thus, it will bring prosperity and establish peace.

Key Words: Professional, continuity, literatures etc. 

Article: 4


By: Ms. Ananyaa Pandey & Dr. Prakash Divakaran


It always has to be seen that the school teachers are comfortable in their workplace, so that they can deliver the education smoothly to their students. There should be nothing in the workplace of the school teachers which can disturb them and their method of delivery of knowledge and education. All factors necessary for maintaining workplace satisfaction has to be given importance. The factors existing outside the work place, that impact the factors existing within the work place, are to be treated as internal factors. A new vision of looking towards these factors has to be developed and implemented. There is a futuristic angle to this study. It is also the researcher’s duty to predict the future factors of workplace satisfaction of school teachers. Under expert supervision it has to be seen that each one of those factors are getting adequate concentration. It is being recommended to take adequate measures for ensuring workplace satisfaction of the school teachers. There are various ways to do so. While ensuring workplace satisfaction of the school teachers a proper analysis of the situation and requirements of the concerned school teachers have to be pursued under expert supervision.

Key Words: Work place, satisfaction, school teachers.