(An International Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal of Business, Commerce and Management)
ISSN : 2455-9423 (Online) Frequency: Biannual.
Publication Impact Factor (PIF) = 4.325

Dear Readers/ Followers and Well-wishers,

It is time to welcome a new year. It is the perfect time for the festivities and the celebrations. May the best of the blessings be with you. Have a great 2020. Work hard, enjoy and make it the best year of your life.

This New Year has come with a lot of expectations and promises. The last few years have seen recessive atmospheres in many parts of the world. Businesses and industries have shrunk than before. People had lost their jobs. Mismanagement, industrial disputes and sales debacles became household expressions and words. To keep one motivated and inspired in such trying circumstances is a real challenge. Thankfully, we, in the Business Age family have been able to do so and the result is for everyone to see. It is a new issue of the The Business Age. Wish you all, many happy hours of reading and research with the new issue of The Business Age.
In this New Year, let us take our research to the levels of discovering the new and then applying the new in our lives to solve the complex day to day problems that life throws at us from time to time. These days, I see too much debates and discussions about the types of research and the importance of each type. Hours of fruitless discussions and non-result oriented creation of inarticulate words does not take our civilization anywhere. We have to get into the labs and start with our researches. The whole world is in a fix now and the only thing that can take us out of this fix is research.
Due to the recessive atmosphere existing in many parts of the globe, governments in many countries have been forced to cut down on the research expenditure. This is becoming very significant in the context of research not only in those nations but also in the context of global research. There is no way that research should take a back seat. In this crunch time, it is time for researchers around the world to keep themselves motivated. It is time for them to free their minds from the deep impacts of consumerism and start thinking about the higher level glories of research. It should be treated as an opportunity to serve the nation, the society and mankind as a whole. It should be looked as an opportunity to find out answers of questions and contribute towards solving the complex day to day problems of life.

On that note, I wish you a Happy New Year, again.

Warm regards,

The Business Age.