Dear Readers,
With immense pleasure and hope I declare the official starting of the journey of The Business Age. I had always dreamt of a journal like this which will practice, profess and propagate knowledge on business, commerce and management. So that way with the launching of this journal it has been a dream come true for me. I am not only feeling happy but also relieved about the fact that we have at last taken some effort to popularize education on social sciences like commerce, management and business studies. One of the most important aspects of education in these branches of knowledge is the application part of it. Knowledge in these disciplines without the successful application of it is not only inadequate but also useless to a huge extent. So The Business Age will attempt to help readers and followers of it to understand the dynamics in relation to the execution of the theories which have enriched these subjects of study.
In this context, let me share with you all, an incident involved with the life of Late Suresh Neotia who happens to be one of the most well-known business personalities of the city of Kolkata. Suresh Neotia began his professional career as a shop owner. He used to open his shop in the morning, come back to his residence for lunch in the afternoon, have his lunch, take a little rest and then go and join his shop again in the evening. Neotia had a habit of taking a small nap after his lunch. But every afternoon when it would be time for him to take a nap, invariably some kids would come back home from the school and start playing soccer just outside his house. There would be a lot of shouting and flow of energy as usually happens during a soccer match. That would not allow Neotia to take his nap. After observing this for some time Neotia decided to come out of his shell. One fine afternoon he called the kids and promised each of them to pay one rupee every day for playing soccer exactly in front of his house. He told them, “I like your game so much that I would pay from my pocket to watch your game.” The kids were very happy. They kept on playing soccer in front of Neotia’s house every afternoon and Neotia kept on paying each one of them one rupee for their efforts. It was one fine afternoon that Neotia again called the kids and told them, “Look guys, my business is not going right. So I cannot pay you. But still, I request you all to carry on with the game here. I will start paying you again when my business is in order.” The kids just refused to play.
I personally felt that it is one of the most exciting examples of having a sense of application … something that The Business Age aspires to develop among young managers and budding entrepreneurs.
Let us look at the future with hope, with determination and conviction. We are sure to help all of us to enjoy the growth of the much said and cherished sense of application within us, inside us and around us.