(An International Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal of Business, Commerce and Management)
ISSN : 2455-9423 (Online) Frequency: Biannual.
Publication Impact Factor (PIF) = 4.325

From the Desk of the Editor:

Dear Readers/ Followers and Well Wishers,

Wish you a Happy New Year. May you have a great 2017.
With the arrival of winter, commences a new season for giving shape to our aspirations, dreams, wants and demands. It is the season for hard work. But for every hard work that we put in, we do not get the results immediately. We have to wait. In fact, sometimes keep on waiting. It is essential under such circumstances to not get demotivated in these phases of life. Winter is the season that provokes us to work and work hard. This season does not promise any rewards. So if we are getting deprived from receiving the rewards, winter is not responsible for that. Let us all use this winter, its chill and fragrance for generating the levels of work force that we always hope to do.

In this season of hard work, I am happy to introduce you all to the new issue of The Business Age. It is again (although I may sound repetitive) is the result of the hard work of my team members. I have seen them working through days and nights, sometimes forgetting their personal lives and commitments (which I do not support at all), with a common dream in their eyes. To me, my team members signify hard work. I learn from them and am happy to have them in this journey of making a dream, a hard core reality.

In the last few months I was contacted by a lot of readers and followers of this journal who were asking me to mention our political thoughts on certain business and economical decisions taken by governments and governmental bodies around the world. In this context, let me clarify that we are a journal with an apolitical outlook. We are into generation of knowledge and creating a knowledge base that would help scholars, thinkers, writers from around the world to discuss and express their ideas, opinions and thoughts in a common platform. When a writer expresses his opinion, it may not necessarily be supported by the management that runs this journal. But in such a case we also do not have the right to suppress his/ her opinion. It is democracy, under which creativity thrives. We are all engaged in the production of a democratic world or at least in the process that we are hoping will create such a world.
So it is time that we get ahead with some action. Lets use this winter. Lets not suppress the opinion even when we dislike it.
Warm regards,